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Writer's pictureCalifornia Right to Life

April/May 2019 Activity Report

  1. Information Tables for Life,

  2. The movie “Unplanned”

  3. 40-Days for Life Spring Campaign – Lenten Prayer Vigils outside Abortion mills

  4. New Materials

There were plenty of opportunities to be involved in proclaiming the message of Life in April!

Information Table For Life

Our most memorable visitor at our April Information Table for Life was a student from the local college, who it became obvious, had given the whole abortion debate a lot of thought. Right off the bat he agreed with us that the baby in the womb is a human being; HOWEVER, he maintained the position that it is OK to “kill” ( yes he used that term) the baby if (s)he would suffer, and the student defined “suffering” as everything from being severely handicapped, to the mother’s inability raise the child, and therefore the child would end up in the foster care system and possibly be abused. Sadly as our discussion continued, he shared that he also sees eliminating our elderly or even those handicapped through life experiences like an auto accident as possible candidates for elimination/euthanasia.

Trying to see a positive side to this encounter, we have succeeded in our efforts to educate the personhood of the baby in the womb; fetal development is seldom an issue for visitors to our table. The challenge is to change the culture to see that killing is not the solution to end suffering, be it through abortion of our preborn brothers and sisters or physician assisted suicide for those facing handicaps or the challenges of life’s final chapter.

Unplanned – The Movie

The last weekend of March brought the long-awaited release of the movie “Unplanned,” the story of Abby Johnson, a former clinic director of a Planned Parenthood in Texas. One day Abby was asked to assist in an ultrasound guided abortion, and “what she saw (on the ultrasound monitor screen) changed everything.” This movie is destined to be the “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” leading to the end of abortion. Abby Johnson now runs an organization “And Then There Were None” (ATTWN) helping abortion industry employees who want to leave. Since the founding of ATTWN over 500 former abortion workers have left the abortion industry. Since the release of the movie “Unplanned,” there have been over 100 more workers calling ATTWN requesting assistance in leave the abortion, and over a dozen of these are already actively transitioning out of abortion work.

40 – Days for Life Campaign

The movie was also a great boost to the 40-Days for Life Spring 2019 campaign. Dozens of new volunteers came out to pray for the first time after seeing the movie, some coming directly from the theater to the sidewalk!

The spring 40-Days for Life Campaign reported some very impressive statistics:

  1. 2019 was the largest spring campaign ever- 377 cities, across 31 countries, over 150 cities outside the United States (10 in United Kingdom alone!)

  2. 622 confirmed babies saved as of this writing – that we know of, and likely hundreds more that we may never quantify. In fact in the very first hour of the campaign, in United Kingdom a baby was saved!

New Materials

We recently purchased a card stock pamphlet and business card size handout on the topic of “Abortion Pill Reversal.” We also found a wonderful magazine handout “The Truth About Planned Parenthood” as a follow-up to the movie Unplanned. Both of these are being made available to sidewalk counselors and at our information tables. If you would like to receive a copy, contact our office.


We thank you, our generous donors for your ongoing support, which makes all this possible. It was a very busy April; Good things are happening! Contact our office if you would like to assist in any of these projects, need materials for your own pro-life efforts (or would like the answers to the exam before they are published in our next newsletter. All donors will receive an advance copy of the answers to the exam.) …. We especially need Information Table volunteers and speakers for classroom presentations.

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