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Writer's pictureCalifornia Right to Life

Office Activities Report – November 2018

Information Tables for Life – as we come to the end of another successful year of Information Tables for Life let us pause and highlight this past year.

For me, the highlight is the young woman who came to the table and told us she was only about six weeks pregnant, and wasn’t sure what she was going to do. Surprisingly, the fact that made a deep impact on her is that her child had fingernails! And a 40-Days for Life site amazingly reported a similar detail that saved a baby: fingernails, not heartbeat or brain waves, the simple yet intricate fact of the tiny fingernails.

This reminded me of the “Precious Feet” pin. When I was assisting in a kindergarten classroom many years ago, I had on my “precious feet” pin, and one of the children pointed out, “Look Mommy, it even has toes!”

Do you wear your precious feet pin? Do you have a story to tell? Perhaps it was noticed by a store clerk who asked you about your pin? As well as wearing the pin, consider carrying an extra “precious feet” pin in your wallet or purse, to give to anyone who asks about it and would like to have one of his or her own.

And while we are talking about wallet contents…. Do you have one of our “Pregnant? Need Help?” cards in your wallet? (Or even cut out the box on the previous page and save it in your wallet.) You never know when a situation might pop up in which you need to know where to direct a woman who is contemplating an abortion, or who recently took the first pill of the “medical abortion” regimen. 1-800-712-HELP number is also a resource for post-abortive women who seek healing. The phones are answered 24/7/365.

40-Days for Life Report – The Fall 2018 40-Days for Life Campaign has just ended, and the preliminary report is that since 2007 when 40-Days held the first campaign, over 15,000 babies lives have been saved, 414 in the latest campaign alone. And these are just the confirmed lives saved that we know of… Babies are now living, as well as 15,000 mothers are experiencing the joy of knowing they gave life to their children, rather than suffering the regret of abortion.

Remember the “Pro-Life Warriors” As we celebrate and offer prayers of thanksgiving for all the lives of our preborn brothers and sisters saved from abortion through efforts like 40-Days for Life, let us also offer a prayer for the myriads of “pro-life warriors” working so hard in an effort to “Save Them All,” serving in the various facets of the effort including:

  1. Sidewalk counselors, participants in prayer vigils outside abortion facilities,

  2. Pregnancy resource center staff, especially the ultrasound technicians,

(Every time a baby they tried to save is killed, these people are wounded by that abortion grieving the loss.)

  1. Those who speak about abortion in educational or church settings, including preachers, or who do media work to persuade the public to “Choose Life,”

  2. Men and women who try to save lives by passing pro-life laws, whether lawmakers themselves, their staff, or the pro-life activists who lobby them, as well as so many of our members who write letters, make phone calls, and attend legislative “town halls.”

(Every time a piece of legislation is passed that goes against the protection of life, these people are wounded and grieve that loss.)

As we pause this Thanksgiving season, let us remember and offer a prayer for all these pro-life warriors who give so much to the cause, including all of you who are so active in protecting all life from fertilization to natural death.

Calendar of Events

For the latest updates of events see

MARCH FOR LIFE – National Mall – 12th St.

Washington D.C., January 18, 2019. For info:

ONELIFE LA (Los Angeles)Saturday, January 19, 2019 12 noon. The walk will begin at La Placita/Olvera St., ending at LA Historic Park. Celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Visit:


San Francisco – Saturday, January 26, 2019


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