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What is abortion?

Elective abortion, which is what is commonly understood by the word "abortion," is the direct, intentional killing of a human being before birth.


View photos of abortion victims here. The abortions were committed and the photos taken in March 2022.  

Abortion Pill

In the first ten weeks of pregnancy, the most common abortion method is the RU-486 chemical abortion pills, also known as a “medical abortion” or an “at-home abortion.”


The abortion pill is actually a series of pills. Usually the mother injests Mifeprex (mifepristone) at an abortion business and is given misoprostol or Cytotec to take home and injest 24-36 hours later. Mifepristone blocks the action of the mother’s progesterone, the naturally-occurring hormone that sustains the uterine lining and placenta which, in turn, supply the growing embryo with nutrients and oxygen. The second set of pills, misoprostol, cause the mother to have contractions and expel the embryo. If the embryo is not already dead, he or she dies during birth or soon after. Abortion businesses direct the mother to deliver her child’s body in the toilet.


A chemical abortion may also be attempted using only misoprostol.

Aspiration D&C (Dilation and Curettage)

The most common surgical, in-clinic abortion procedure in the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy is Dilation and Curettage, sometimes combined with suction, or Aspiration.


The abortionist dilates the mother’s cervix in order to insert his tools. In the earlier weeks of pregnancy, when the embryo is very small, he may start by inserting a catheter, a tube, that is attached to a suction machine, and vacuuming out the contents of the uterus. If the embryo is a little bigger, he will start by inserting a loop-shaped knife, a curette, and chopping up and scraping out the fetus and the placenta. He vacuums out the remaining pieces and may scrape the uterus again to ensure he removed everything.

Suction and curetttage abortion

Medical Illustration Copyright © 2021 Nucleus Medical Media. All rights reserved

Elective abortion, which is what is commonly understood by the word "abortion," is the direct, intentional killing of a human being before birth.

D&E (Dilation and Extraction)

The most common abortion procedure between 13 and 24 weeks of pregnancy is Dilation and Extraction. The abortion starts with dilating the mother’s cervix. This may be a multi-day procedure, depending on how big the fetus is and how much room is needed to extract the fetus.


The fetus’ bones are calcified, so it is difficult to cut him to pieces. Instead of a curette, the abortionist inserts a sopher clamp, a kind of pliers with teeth. He grasps pieces of the fetus, an arm, leg, or end of the spine, and twists and tears it off. He pulls the pieces off and out one by one. The head is the hardest part for him to remove, since it is the biggest and must be crushed before he can remove it.

Dilation and evacuation D&E

Medical Illustration Copyright © 2021 Nucleus Medical Media. All rights reserved

Induction Abortion

Induction abortion is the most common abortion procedures after 24 weeks. 


Over a series of days, the mother’s cervix is dilated to make room for her son or daughter’s dead body. At this age, the fetus is large enough to be born and survive outside the womb. In order to ensure the fetus is dead before delivery, the abortionist injects him with digoxin or potassium chloride to induce cardiac arrest. The abortionist then administers drugs to induce labor and the mother eventually delivers her dead child.

Print this page's information as a handout - download the What is Abortion? pdf here.

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