Although I never met Cecelia Cody, through the direction she gave California Right to Life, I know she recognized that ignorance and apathy drive the culture of death and that education can only lead to a culture of life. She saw that the vast majority of people can be brought to an understanding of the dignity of human life if presented with the truth in a rational and respectful manner.
As the new Director of Outreach for California Right to Life, I am privileged to carry on Cecelia’s work and our mission of education and advocacy on behalf of defenseless, innocent human beings.
As a child, I remember helping leaflet cars outside pro-abortion political fundraisers, picketting abortion clinics, and participating in Life Chains. By age eight or nine I had seen my younger siblings’ ultrasound pictures, felt them move inside my mother, and knew that they were just as valuable before they were born as after. I knew about abortion and wanted to show everyone how wrong it was to kill unborn babies.
After college, I traveled the country with a team of pro-life activists, visiting public colleges and high schools and talking to students about abortion. Every day we witnessed students change their minds when shown the truth.
Through the years I have started hundreds of conversations with the question: “What do you think about abortion?” By listening and addressing what each person knows, has experienced, and is ignorant of, I have been able to show the humanity of the unborn and the injustice of abortion.
I look forward to seeing more hearts and minds changed through the educational outreach of California Right to Life.
Mary Rose Short Director of Outreach California Right to Life
