Our legislature is currently considering eleven extreme bills designed to give more support, protection, and funding to the abortion industry in California. One bill would even remove penalties for killing newborns.
Six of the bills, including the infanticide bill, are scheduled for committee hearings this Tuesday, April 19.
Four bills will be in the Assembly Health Committee:
AB 1918 – would create an abortion “corps” within the department of health to recruit and train abortionists; would award scholarships to and pay student debts of those who agree to commit abortions and serve in the abortion corps.
AB 2134 – would create grants for abortion businesses to provide abortions at no cost to patients who don’t have insurance that covers abortion; would require employers that do not provide abortion coverage to advertise to their employees the availability of free abortion.
AB 2223 – would prevent official investigations of the cause of babies’ deaths, both born and unborn; would establish a woman’s right to kill her her own baby through all nine months of pregnancy with the assistance of others, if she likes; would give women the right to sue anyone who “interferes” with their abortions.
AB 2586 – would create a task force to assess abortion “inequities”; would create taxpayer-funded grants to award to abortion businesses and abortion-supporting organizations.
Two bills will be in the Senate Judiciary Committee:
SB 1142 – would create an online abortion directory for women to locate California abortionists and sources of funding to cover the cost of their abortion and travel costs within or to California for their abortions; would create taxpayer-funded grants to award to organizations that help women pay for their abortions and associated costs.
SB 1375 – would lower abortion safety standards and allow nurse practitioners to perform surgical abortions without the oversight of a doctor.
Another bill is scheduled for a vote in the judiciary committee on April 26:
SB 1245 – would create a taxpayer-funded pilot program in Los Angeles County to build new abortion clinics, train abortionists, advertise abortion, suppress pro-life information, and increase the number of abortions.
If you have time, please call at least a few committee members and ask them to vote no on these bills.
You only need to say, “Hello, I’m calling to voice my opposition to assembly bills AB 1918, AB 2134, and AB 2586 (or to senate bills SB 1142, SB 1375, and SB 1245).” The staff person will ask your name and zip code, and maybe your address.
You can say more about why you oppose the bills, if you like, but the important thing is to make the call. The representatives know how few people actually make the effort to call and they count the calls as an important sign of how much people care about the bills.
Members of the Assembly Health Committee who will vote on AB 1918, AB 2134, AB 2223, and AB 2586:
Jim Wood (Chair) – (916) 319-2002 Marie Waldron (Vice Chair) – (916) 319-2075 Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (Co-author of AB 2134) – (916) 319-2004 Joaquin Arambula – (916) 319-2031 Frank Bigelow – (916) 319-2005 Wendy Carrillo – (916) 319-2051 Heath Flora – (916) 319-2012 Brian Maienschein – (916) 319-2077 Chad Mayes – (916) 319-2042 Kevin McCarty – (916) 319-2007 Adrin Nazarian – (916) 319-2046 Luz M. Rivas (Author of AB 2586) – (916) 319-2039 Freddie Rodriguez- (916) 319-2052 Miguel Santiago – (916) 319-2053
Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who will vote on SB 1142, SB 1375, and SB 1245:
Thomas J. Umberg (Chair) – (916) 651-4034 Andreas Borgeas (Vice Chair) – (916) 651-4008 Anna M. Caballero (Author of SB 1142) – (916) 651-4012 María Elena Durazo – (916) 651-4024 Lena A. Gonzalez – (916) 651-4033 Robert M. Hertzberg – (916) 651-4018 Brian W. Jones – (916) 651-4038 John Laird – (916) 651-4017 Henry I. Stern – (916) 651-4027 Bob Wieckowski – (916) 651-4410 Scott D. Wiener – (916) 651-4011
It’s also important to call your assemblyman and state senator, even if they’re not members of these committees, and let them know that you oppose the bills. Your representatives can put pressure on their colleagues to withdraw unpopular bills.
