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Office Happenings – October 2019

UNPLANNED – The Movie Study Guide now available We recently were informed that there is a “Study Guide” for use with older teens for the movie “Unplanned.” The study guide is available online at (or contact our office and we will e-mail you a copy.

This video is available to rent or purchase online (Amazon). We also have a copy in our office for loan.

October is Respect Life month and provided several opportunities to share the message of protecting all innocent human life from fertilization to natural death. Your donation provided the supplies we shared at these events.

We were invited to provide an information table at a local “Relationship” conference one Saturday. We provided lots of literature from our abstinence, “Don’t want a baby, don’t make one,” program resources. At the end of the day almost all the materials had been distributed. The conference was for teens and their parents, and I had an opportunity to talk to several of the parents, who expressed appreciation for the materials. And even a couple of the young guys seemed to be vociferously reading some of the handouts we provided.

We were contacted by a couple of 40-Days for Life locations and were able to provide information on RU-486 – the medical abortion pill, and the ever popular “What’s Wrong with Planned Parenthood” pamphlet.

People seem to be becoming a lot more observant and asking about the “little feet” pins many of us wear. Cecelia, our administrative director, was in a medical facility elevator one afternoon and a lady asked her what her “feet pin” was, and she was able to explain that they are the feet of a 10 to 12 week baby in the womb, and pointed out that at that stage of development the “baby has toes.” She then took several precious feet pins with fetal development card that she had in her purse and offered them to the other elevator riders. Do you wear your pin? Have you ever been asked about it? Do you have an extra set to share with someone who asks you about “the little feet?”

We thank our generous donors and volunteers for their ongoing support. Contact our office if you need materials, perhaps an extra couple sets of precious feet pins, or would like to help us as an Information Table volunteer and/or a speaker for media interviews or classroom presentations.

Did you know that when you shop for the holidays at AmazonSmile donates to California Right To Life Educational Fund? Just designate California Right to Life Educational Fund as your chosen charity, and then use the (Sorry, it doesn’t work for the regular website, so make sure you order through

16th Annual Walk for Life West CoastSaturday, January 25, 2020 – Civic Center Plaza 12:30 Rally 11:00 Information Faire. For further information, and a list of activities happening on Walk For Life West Coast weekend, visit website:

For the latest updates of events see

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