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Planned Parenthood Annual Report 2018-2019

As we reported last month, the number of abortions in the U.S. along with the abortion rate has been steadily declining and has fallen to its lowest rate since Roe v Wade. However not all segments of the abortion industry have been part of this decline.

In early January, abortion giant Planned Parenthood released its 2018-2019 annual report. Planned Parenthood abortion rates are up, reporting their highest number of abortions EVER. In 2018, the abortion giant killed 345,672 preborn children, an increase of nearly 13,000 over the previous year and accounting for an astonishing 40% of all abortions in the U.S. (To put the number 345,672 in perspective, that is a kindergarten class every 39 minutes, or two whole elementary schools every day.)

Planned Parenthood touts the idea that only 3% of their services are abortion. A few other service statistics included in the report, cast doubt on this percentage: The group offered 9,798 prenatal-care services and made 4,279 adoption referrals, which means that its facilities performed 35 abortions for every instance of prenatal care and 81 abortions for every adoption referral.

Planned Parenthood reported nearly $1.64 billion in income, with just over $591 million coming from private contributions, and $616.8 million from tax dollars, or almost $1.7 million per day, up almost 10% from the previous year (the defunding of Title X money from abortion facilities didn’t take place until after the end of this annual report time period.)

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