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Writer's pictureCalifornia Right to Life

Voice Your Opposition: California Bills

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

The California legislature will be considering and voting on a number of anti-life and anti-family laws over the next two weeks. In order for a bill to become law, it must be passed by both houses of the legislature. Each house has a June 4 deadline to pass their bills to the other house for consideration this session.

You can find your assemblyman and state senator here. Please contact them and voice your opposition to the following three bills:

Assembly Bill 1184 is sponsored by Planned Parenthood. The bill would require insurance companies to keep minor and adult children’s “sensitive” medical procedures secret from their parents, if they are on their parents’ insurance plan. “Sensitive” procedures include abortion and sex-change operations.

Senate Bill 245 would force private insurance companies to cover abortion with no co-pays and no deductibles, making it a completely free for a woman. Masquerading as a “pro-choice” bill, this bill only benefits those who choose abortion. It takes one procedure, abortion, and elevates it as privileged and more important than all other procedures. This bill is supported by Planned Parenthood.

Senate Bill 380 would remove some of the few safeguards attached to California’s assisted suicide law. Assisted suicide was legalized in 2015 with many promises that the safeguards were enough to protect vulnerable people from being coerced into suicide or committing suicide rashly – now the original bill author wants to remove those safeguards.

California Family Council has a summary of all the anti-family bills up for a vote this session.

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