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December 2018 – Office Happenings

How important is the work of California Right to Life Educational Fund to you? Do you think we serve a niche in the Respect Life movement that no one else is addressing? How would you feel if we didn’t exist?

To briefly recap our major projects and what your donations provide the resources for us to do:

  1. Staff “Information Tables for Life” at local shopping malls, as well as provide materials for students to set up tables at their school quad or free speech area to evangelize for Life.

  2. Participate in Health Fairs, proclaiming the message of life from conception to natural death, including our abstinence program.

  3. Purchase pamphlets, books, videos and other pro-life materials for our library. Our library contains materials going back several decades, and occasionally we receive requests for older, now out of print books.

  4. Assist students in the preparation of pro-life papers and speeches at both the high school and college levels (and occasionally even junior high), as well as provide teachers with materials for pro-life units in their classrooms.

  5. Counsel mothers (and a few fathers) who are facing pregnancy issues and considering abortion helping them to “Choose Life” and making referrals to appropriate organizations which are able to address financial, medical, housing or other critical needs.

  6. Assist families facing “End of Life” decisions providing information and referrals for any assistance they need (A special thanks to Life Legal Defense Foundation for providing the legal assistance some of these people so desperately need.)

  7. Publish our monthly newsletter to educate and inform our members and the general public on life issues.

  8. Be available for media interviews.

We would like to be able to continue providing these valuable resources, and we believe we are doing things few other pro-life groups do – like our Information Tables for Life. However our “revenue flow” has not covered our expenses the past few years. As reported previously, last year we had a deficit of expenses over donations of over $4,000. Thankfully a couple of generous donors stepped forward and helped alleviate this shortfall. This year we are tracking at an even greater deficit ($7,500 as of the end of November.)

Please prayerfully consider allocating some of your end of the year donations to California Right to Life Educational Fund, and becoming a regular donor in 2019. Our continued presence in the community offers the symbol of hope that life continues to be respected; and your donations make this possible! Every dollar received from you is valued since it is only because of contributors like you that we are able to continue in this life saving ministry.

Thank you to all our faithful donors, who make our work possible. A special thank you to those who step forward as volunteers, to staff our Information tables; perhaps you would like to join the mall table team in 2019? Contact our office for further information.

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