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From the Office -BIG NEWS!!!!

Our new website went live the end of January. Check it out at  Same address, new content.

(However, if you want to access our historical archives of newsletters dating back to 2002, click on “News and Articles,” go to the last page, and click on “Newsletter Archives.”)

Let us know what you think… is there anything you would like us to consider for a “future enhancement”?

Information Tables for Life – most of our visitors are very appreciative of our efforts, and thank us for being there; however, we continue to have a few people who rush by our table spouting off one liners like “Abortion is a right.” Typically they do not give us a chance to respond. Many of those who do stop at the table and engage in conversation thank us for being there and share their own pro-life efforts to spread the word and protect life; often they take some of our literature or a precious preborn to share with friends.

Even the naysayers are a positive sign; We are being noticed and we are making them think. May they one day have a conversion like Dr. Bernard Nathanson (founder of NARAL – then called National Association to Repeal Abortion Laws) who upon seeing a sonogram of an abortion in the movie “Silent Scream” had a conversion, becoming a wonderful advocate for life.

Some question if our efforts at the Mall tables, or standing outside abortion mills when they are closed is having any impact? I believe it does! Our Information Tables for Life give us an opportunity to talk “theoretically,” especially to youth, when they are not facing the issue “in real life.” We share some literature, hoping perhaps if they ever face a “life issue” they will remember that resources are available to help them make the “Right Choice.” We are also a “cheerleader squad” for so many pro-lifers who just need a boost to motivate to get more active, or affirm current efforts. We often offer them our 1-800-712-HELP card for their wallet, so they have the number “at their fingertips” should they ever need to refer to a friend in distress regarding an unplanned pregnancy. Our table visitors often take literature to share with friends. We also share our chastity/abstinence materials with parents (and grandparents) to help them in starting the discussion. Recently we have also noticed an uptick in interest in end of life issues, such as the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

Calendar of Events

For the latest updates of events see

40-Days for Life – begins Wednesday, February 26th. To find the location nearest you, visit:

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