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Writer's pictureCalifornia Right to Life

From the Office – December 2019

Planning your year-end giving budget? PLEASE remember California Right to Life Educational Fund. We are your voice educating on the entire spectrum of the life issue, from the precious baby in the womb, to the seriously ill and elderly. In fact, although we oppose in vitro fertilization, we work to protect these very tiny humans from being used for research. Our phone is answered 24/7 to assist anyone facing a life issue, from the relative of a hospital patient facing removal of “life sustaining treatment” to the mother who is enduring extreme pressure to abort her baby.

We continue to operate at a deficit. Our budget is $30K per year. However as previously reported, 2017 ended with a shortage of $4K, 2018 repeated the $4K deficit, and as of this writing 2019 is tracking an excess of expenses over donations of $7K even though we have cut expenses by 15% including slashing payroll by 20% in 2019. We believe we provide a valuable resource and much-needed service to our community through education and referrals on the entire life spectrum. However, we need your support if we are to continue this life saving work. Our reserves are severely depleted, and we can no longer in good conscience not pay our employee and generous vendors a just wage for their efforts. Please consider a donation to insure we are there for the people who need our assistance, and to continue to educate as Ambassadors of Life through our Information Tables for Life, student assistance and media interviews.

To give you an idea of our major expenses:

  1. Publishing the newsletter (printing and mailing) runs $300 a month. Approximately 40% of our distribution list are churches, school groups, and other institutions that then proclaim the Gospel of Life to their members. We will be forced to cut back these newsletters without your ongoing support.

  2. Information Table for Life distributes $700 of materials per year, plus $100 in materials at an average conference.

  3. A student classroom presentation requires about $50 worth of materials.

  4. Ongoing office expenses, including rent, phone, and internet, runs about $500 a month in 2019.

Without an increase in donations we will no longer be able to continue our current level of activity. Please consider California Right to Life Educational Fund in your year end giving, and ongoing charitable contributions.

Calendar of Events

For the latest updates of events see

16th Annual Walk for Life West Coast

Saturday, January 25, 2020 – Civic Center Plaza 12:30 Rally, 11:00 Information Faire. Visit:

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