Do we have your most current contact information? If you aren’t getting e-mails from us, chances are we don’t have your e-mail address. You can e-mail us at with your current phone number and e-mail address, and we will add this information to your profile.
Also note if you would like to be added to one or more of the following e-mail distribution lists:
General list – used to announce upcoming events, important news, and keep our members informed between newsletters. Usually only one or two e-mails are sent each month, so we will not be deluging your e-mailbox.
Mustard Seed Project – each month we target ONE corporation that supports Planned Parenthood and ask our members to send a US Mail letter to the CEO of the corporation requesting that they stop funding Planned Parenthood. We provide a letter template you can edit, which includes info to explain why we oppose Planned Parenthood.
Special Interest – Perhaps you have a special interest in Stem Cell Research advances or Physician Assisted Suicide legislation. Let us know what interests you and we will consider setting up a special e-mail group and e-mail you when our research uncovers something of interest.
We thank you, our generous donors for your
ongoing support. Good things are happening! Contact
our office if you need materials or would like to help us as an Information
Table volunteer and/or a speaker for classroom presentations.