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2022 in Review

California Right to Life set new records for our reach in 2022, presenting a comprehensive pro-life message to hundreds of thousands of Californians up and down the state, educating them about threats to human life and advocating for the protection of all innocent human beings.

In the last year we know of several babies who were saved from abortion because of our efforts. A mother we met while sidewalk counseling outside an abortion business said her baby was the same age as the baby pictured on our sign and left the clinic saying she couldn’t go through with the abortion. After receiving our educational magazine in the mail, a pregnancy center counselor used it to counsel a mother who chose life for her baby.

We also know that education changes people and saves lives even before a baby is scheduled to die by abortion. A man told us that his unborn grandson was safe from abortion because the 18-year-old father of the baby had seen us and our signs outside the abortion clinic for years.

We mailed pro-life educational magazines to hundreds of thousands of Californians. Here's

what one recipient wrote to thank us:

“Sometimes it can feel like we are fighting a brick wall in California … but your magazine was so reviving.

I have dragged it all over town in my purse for the past few weeks showing everyone I know and asking if they got a copy in the mail. I have recently volunteered at a pregnancy resource center and your magazine really helped encourage me to be more educated and to have a heart to teach others the facts on abortion and the value of life in the womb.” - Faith

We advocated for the unborn at colleges and high schools, through the mail, at pro-abortion events, on TV and radio, outside abortion businesses, and wherever we saw an opening to speak. We want to reach every Californian with the brutal reality of what abortion is and the generosity of our supporters and donors is making that possible. Thank you!

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