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Writer's pictureCalifornia Right to Life

Stand for Life: A Student’s Guide for Making the Case and Saving Lives

by John Ensor & Scott Klusendorf.

Students are returning to school and will need to be prepared to offer a defense for life whenever an opportunity presents itself. Perhaps it is a classroom discussion, a conversation over coffee in the Student Union, or for the more courageous – the Quad Table sponsored by the pro-life club on campus! Will you be prepared to advocate and defend the life of our precious preborn brothers and sisters in the womb? One of our new volunteers guided me to an excellent book: Stand for Life: A Student’s Guide for Making the Case and Saving Lives by John Ensor & Scott Klusendorf.

The book is perfect for young adults. The SLED (Size, level of development, environment, degree of dependency) defense meme is easy to memorize, explain and understand. The authors address how to respond to all the common objections one hears today…. you’re a man?, what about rape?, what about capital punishment? are you willing to adopt all the unwanted babies? Using SLED or logical fallacies you will learn how to address them all. Also addressed is the common fallacy of personally opposed, but do not think I have a right to tell others abortion is wrong.

This book is highly informative and gives a good foundation for defending the humanity of the unborn. Even though it is geared toward college students, readers outside of that demographic can glean an intelligent and firm, but loving opposition to the pro-choice argument in conversation. We recommend this book to anyone who wants to engage friends, family, and strangers with the truth about the humanity of the unborn.

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